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Sharing your experience and ideas makes our community stronger and richer!  The Young ANA Social Media Award rewards your contributions on ANA social media e.g. our Young ANA group, with messages, photos, videos...

The best contributions will be selected routinely and awarded by Young ANA. Winners will be contacted directly by the ANA board. No formal application is necessary. There are no deadlines. The winning content will be featuring our our website, Facebook page, and at the major events of our association. The winners of the Young ANA Social Media Award will receive a prize of 100 Euro. 


  • All members of Austrian Neuroscience Association are eligible for the Young ANA social media award
  • Posts must be on ANA and / of Young ANA social media platforms
  • Original content is preferred
  • Posts will be evaluated routinely and outstanding posts will be selected for the award
  • Posting on ANA social media does not automatically guarantee winning the prize

Respect is your responsibility!

Before posting on media, we kindly recommend you to be informed, respect the policies of each media, and to strictly adhere to the specific regulations of events about photos and videos on site, including the general rules of copyright and privacy.

Do not share content that violates rules and copyrights, that offends, or that portrays original scientific work. You are responsible for your posts! 

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