On behalf of the meeting organizers, we would like to invite you to the 3rd Locus Coeruleus meeting in Innsbruck
About the meeting:
The Locus Coeruleus Meeting is a small and quite diverse meeting that tries to understand the early vulnerability of the locus coeruleus and other neuromodulatory nuclei in aging and neurodegenerative conditions.
About the participants:
The meeting aims to bring together researchers with a background in clinical research on neurodegenerative conditions, cognitive neuroscience, MRI Physics, neuroscience in animal models, and other relevant disciplines with an interest in neuromodulatory systems and in particular the noradrenergic locus coeruleus in health and disease.
Where and when:
The meeting will take place at the Grillhof in Innsbruck from the 9th to the 11th of September 2024.
Registration will be open until the 15th of April 2024
Please do not hesitate to email us with any questions
email: LCMeeting2024'at'uibk.ac.at
We look forward to welcoming you at our 3rd Locus Coeruleus Meeting!
On behalf of the meeting organizers
Dorothea Haemmerer
Professor for Developmental Psychology
Department of Psychology, University of Innsbruck
Principal Investigator
Institute of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Research,
Medical Faculty, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Associate research fellow
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London