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  • 19 Nov 2018 2:14 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In collaboration with FENS and Wiley, EJN is awarding to the “Best Publication Award” in the odd years, recognizing the best research article published in EJN over the preceding two‐year period. This biennial award will be bestowed to the first author(s) of the selected article (a personal award of 3,000 £).

    Call for nominations will open on 7 January 2019. 
    Deadline for submission: 31 March 2019.

    This biennial award recognises the best original research article published in EJN over the preceding two - year period (published or accepted in years 2017 and 2018).  Details

  • 9 May 2018 11:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You find topical information on the ÖGMBT on the website dedicated for national ANA partner societies

  • 23 Apr 2018 1:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Topics of the ANA News aPRIL 2018

    1. Best Thesis Award
    2. Travel Grants for the FENS Forum in Berlin
    3. ÖGMBT Meeting at the Campus Altes AKH, Vienna,September 17-20, 2018

    4. ANA and APHAR Agree on Partnership

    Please Update Your Profile in the ANA Member Database
    Reminder: FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence
    7. CAJAL Hands-On Training Courses 2018


    ANA announces the “2018 Best PhD Thesis Award.” Submissions are for dissertations completed and successfully defended between January 1st and December 31st of the year 2018. The submission period will be January 1st to 15th, 2019. The Prize Committee consists of three previous Loewi Prize Awardees and the ANA President in office in the year 2018 who will chair the committee. The prize money will be € 500. An abstract of the thesis will be published on the ANA website.

    PhD dissertations of ANA Members are eligible for consideration, regardless of the home discipline. Dissertations must clearly show the contributions made by the student applicant. Hence, experimental work carried out by co-authors, where pertinent, should be clearly indicated.

    Nominations should be submitted electronically to the ANA President and must include the thesis, a one-page abstract (300 word), a statement on the experimental work carried out by co-authors, a list of publications (if available), the CV, and a letter of recommendation from the thesis adviser or committee member, all in English.

    2. Travel Grants for the FENS Forum in Berlin

    If you are an ANA Student member and have submitted an abstract to the FENS Forum 2018, you may apply for a travel grant. Please visit the ANA Website for information.
    Deadline for applications: May 31st, 2018.

    3. ÖGMBT Meeting at the Campus Altes AKH, Vienna, September 17–20, 2018 

    ANA contributes a session "Pluripotent Stem Cells and Neural Differentiation" to this meeting. Our invited speaker Rick Livesey (Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, UK) will talk about "Studying human brain development and disease with pluripotent stem cells." Please note that Biophysics Austria has a (pre) Satellite to this meeting.

    Details for the ÖGMBT meeting on program, registration, and abstract submission can be found on the ANA Event Page.

    4. ANA and APHAR Agree on Partnership

    As member of ANA you may register at APHAR Meetings to the same conditions as APHAR members. The 24thAPHAR Symposium will take place September 27th – 28th, 2018 in Graz. You can access the APHAR Meeting Website here.

    Joint Meeting of ANA and APHAR at the CCB in Innsbruck.
    Save the date: September 25th – 27th, 2019. This will be a great event!

    5. Please Update You Profile in the ANA Member Database

    Please enter your email address and keywords of your scientific interests in our database in order to make this the useful tool we are hoping for fostering communication. It’s fast and easy. You find instructions on our website.

    6. Reminder: FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence

    Please apply for yourself, or bring yourself to our attention, if you feel ready to become member of the prestigious FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence. You can find the details of the program here.

    7. CAJAL Hands-On Training Courses 2018

    Advanced Imaging Methods for Cellular Neuroscience
    10 - 28 September 2018, Bordeaux Neurocampus
    Deadline: 14 May 2018.

    Linking Neural Circuits and Behaviour
    8 - 26 October 2018, Bordeaux Neurocampus
    Deadline: 13 June 2018.

  • 3 Apr 2018 5:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ANA News - March 2018

    The Topics of the ANA News MARCH 2018

    1. FENS Forum 2018

    2. ANA Travel Grants for FENS Forum (Reminder)

    3. General Assembly at the FENS Forum

    4. Call for "Best Research Picture" 2018

    5. Nomination of FENS-Kavli Candidates

    6. Young ANA

    7. ANA Website

    8. Brain Awareness Week

    9. ANA Meeting 2019

    10. Emerging Neuroscientists Seminar Series

    11. Meeting Calendar

    1. FENS Forum 2018

    The 11th FENS Forum, the largest Neuroscience event in Europe that attracts more than 6000 international delegates, will take place in Berlin from 7 – 11 July, 2018. Currently, 97 delegates from Austria have registered for the FENS Forum in Berlin.

    2. ANA Travel Grants for FENS Forum 2018

    ANA is sponsoring 5 travel grants (€ 400,- each) for its student members to attend the FENS Forum 2018 in Berlin. The deadline for submitting your travel grant application is 31 May, 2018. Every ANA student member, who is presenting a first author contribution at the meeting, is eligible to apply for a travel grant.
    The application needs to contain the following information:
        •    Informal application letter
        •    Submitted abstract
        •    CV including a list of publications
        •    Letter of support from your supervisor
    Please send applications by email to the ANA Secretary.

    3. General Assembly at the FENS Forum 2018

    Save the date: the ANA General Assembly will be held together with the next ANA board meeting and take place at the FENS Forum in Berlin on, Sunday 8 July, 2018, 6.45 pm.

    An invitation and the agenda will be sent out in a separate email. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the General Assembly. Please take this opportunity to interact with us and meet other ANA members!

    4. Call for "Best Research Picture" 2018

    The Austrian Neuroscience Association (ANA) invites all members to send their best research picture. Requirements:

    • a maximum of three pictures per person
    • high resolution quality
    • the motif must be related to the contestant´s research focus (note: not only photos, but also graphics or illustrations are welcome!)
    • the contestant must be the copyright owner

    The winner will receive prize money equivalent to the registration fee of the FENS Forum 2018. In addition, two more recognition awards of EUR 100,- will be handed out. The selected pictures will be featured on the ANA website with a reference to the winner.

    Please send your best pictures in jpg format to the ANA secretary (
    Deadline is 15 June, 2018.

     5. Nominations of FENS-KAVLI Candidates

    The FENS-KAVLI Network of Excellence is a prestigious network of outstanding young European neuroscientists who represent the most talented researchers among their peers. The two ANA Members Gaia Novarino and Kristin Tessmar-Raible are currently also members of the FENS-Kavli Network of Exellence.

    In collaboration with the Kavli Foundation, the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) established in 2014 a high-level multidisciplinary network of excellent early to midcareer European neuroscientists. The aim of the FENS-Kavli Network is to improve Neuroscience in Europe and beyond through providing opportunities for young scientists, influencing science policy, and facilitating the exchange between science and society. You are invited to contact the ANA President Sigismund Huck ( for advice on the nomination of candiates.

    Check here the activities of the FENS-KAVLI Network of Excellence

    Nomination Procedure:

    - Only candidates who have independent PI positions in a FENS member country are eligible for nomination.
    - Candidates may self-nominate. In addition, FENS’ member societies and the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence may nominate up to two candidates (one male one female candidate) who do not have to be a member of the nominating society. 
    - In all cases, the nomination should be supported by two letters from internationally renowned neuroscientists.
    - All nominations should be submitted via the online application form.

    - Candidates should be available for a 20 min Skype interview on July 5th, 2018

    - Nominees will be informed about the outcome of the selection procedure just before the FENS Forum 2016 (Berlin, 7-11 July). The newly selected FENS-KAVLI Scholars are kindly invited to attend the business meeting of the FENS-KAVLI Network of Excellence taking place during the FENS Forum 2016 (9 July, 11:15 am to 12:30 pm).

    Deadline for nominations: 10 May 2018, 11.00 pm CET.

    6. Young ANA 

    Young ANA is a new ANA initiative directed at students and young postdocs in neuroscience. As first Chair, Bruno Benedetti (PMU Salzburg) is currently active in building up this network. Young ANA is a self-organizing body within the ANA and its members are invited to make suggestions to the board and actively contribute (e.g., via social media, blogs) to the online visibility of neuroscience in Austria. You want to join? Please find more information about Young ANA here.

    7. Your Profile on the New ANA Website & Membership Renewal

    Please update your professional profile and research interests on the new ANA Website to increase visibility of your research. For further instructions visit the login area (Member Website Options). 

    You can also actively contribute to the content of the ANA website by writing a blog post or using the professional forum (administrated area). Also, please contact the ANA Secretary if you are willing to contribute to the ANA social media activities!

    And don´t forget to renew your ANA membership for 2018. Your personal profile will tell you whether you have (not) paid your 2018 Membership fee. Please issue your payment of the annual membership fee to: Austrian Neuroscience Association

    Erste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG
    Account number: 7307853 BLZ: 20111
    IBAN: AT972011100007307853  

    ANA Membership Fee – direct debit authorization
    Due to the expressed request of some members you can now pay the annual membership fee by SEPA direct debit CORE (“SEPA ­Lastschriftverfahren”). To this end, please fill out and sign the attached sheet. Either scan the sheet and send it per e‐mail to our treasurer Petra Scholze ( or send it as letter addressed to “Dr. Petra Scholze, Zentrum für Hirnforschung, Medizinische Universität Wien, Spitalgasse 4, 1090 Wien”. Members who wish to use this possibility should send an email to our treasurer ( Please also indicate the account holder’s name as well as IBAN and BIC in your email.
    You can also find all the relevant information on our website (Membership). If you are happy with our activities and benefits, please advise lab members and new students to become member of ANA (and thus FENS) by referring to our online membership application form. Please send me your suggestions if, on the other hand, you have ideas how to improve our activities.

    8. Brain Awareness Week 2018

    The Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is an opportunity to let people know about the progress that are being done in brain research as well as progress in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the brain, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, stroke, schizophrenia and depression.

    Please find the links to the program of the Brain Awareness week below:

    9. ANA Meeting 2019

    Save the date for the next ANA Meeting that will take place in Innsbruck (organized by the president elect Francesco Ferraguti) from 25 to 27 September 2019. As in 2013, it will be a joint meeting of the ANA and the APHAR (Austrian Pharmacological Society). We are looking forward to your contributions!

    10. Emerging Neuroscientists Seminar Series

    The Sainsbury Wellcome Centre (SWC), located within UCL, is launching the "Emerging Neuroscientist Seminar Series" (ENSS). This is the first round in an annual competition for postdocs from anywhere in the world to present and share their work with the London neuroscience community between September and December 2018. 

    Selected applicants will visit the SWC, give a formal seminar and discuss their work with SWC and UCL faculty and postdocs. The SWC will cover all travel and accommodation for the visit. More information on the ENSS program, and details on how to apply, can be found on the website  or by emailing

    Application Deadline: 31 May 2018.

    11. Meeting Calendar

    The CAJAL Hands-on Training Courses 2018
    Sharpen your technical skills with the CAJAL advanced neuroscience training courses.

      National Training Courses 2018

      SharpenSharpen Are you an MSc or a Ph.D. neuroscience student? Take a look at these short courses organized by the NENS schools.

      FENS and IBRO-PERC are offering several travel and accommodation stipends of 750 EUR for masters and Ph.D. students interested in attending short courses taking place outside their country of residence or study. 

      3rd European Calcium Channel Conference

      9 - 12 May 2018, Alpbach, Austria
      The European Calcium Channel Conference 2018 will focus on voltage-gated calcium channels and other structurally related ion channels involved in calcium signaling in excitable cells. Like in the successful first two conferences in 2012 and 2015 it will bring together the leaders in the field and young researchers at a fantastic setting in the Austrian Alps to discuss the latest developments in ion channel research. Special topics, a guided poster session (with 5 min presentations of each poster) and social activities will complement the meeting program. Additional short talks will be selected from abstracts. 
      Further information can be found on the
      Application Deadline: 15 March 2018.

      Joint Meeting of FWF Excellence Network Programs 2018

      7 - 9 May 2018, Alpbach, Austria
      This meeting is a joint meeting of the FWF-funded large-scale programs in Neuroscience, Special Research Programs (SFB) and Doctoral Programs (DK).
      Further information can be found on the
      Registration is FREE.

      10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting

      The Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering is celebrating its 10th Anniversary from 17 to20 September,  2018, at the Campus "Altes AKH" in 1090, Vienna.

      ANA contributes a session on "Pluripotent stem cells and neural differentiation" which comes with a plenary lecture, a poster session, and possibly an oral session. The preliminary program will soon be published on both the ANA and the ÖGMBT Website. 

      Austria Biophysics contributes a satellite: Biophysics Austria Annual Meeting

    • 13 Mar 2018 1:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

      Browser compatibility changes for online payments

      To comply with industry security standards (PCI DSS), we are disabling Versions 1.0-1.1 of the TLS encryption protocol.
      Some older browser versions do not support TLS 1.2, so visitors to your Wild Apricot site may have to upgrade their browsers if they want to make payments on your site. For more information and a list of compatible browser versions, click here.
    • 3 Nov 2017 12:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

      European Journal of Neuroscience Editors J. Paul Bolam and John J. Foxe review first years experience


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