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  • 14 Mar 2023 3:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Call for Symposia and Technical Workshops for the FENS Forum 2024, Vienna, Austria

    Dear ANA members,

    Hopefully you could read the FENS  Call for symposia and technical workshops for the FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna. It was mailed by FENS on February 22, 2023.  Please note that the deadline for submission has been extended to May 22, 2023. By clicking on the link you will be guided through the submission process.

    I would like to encourage you to submit proposals. We will have 56 symposia which, together with plenary lectures, will make the core of FENS Forum.  In addition, up to 6 Technical Workshops will be scheduled on June 25, 2024, the first day of the meeting.

    A good meeting is made by contributions from the participants, so having submissions that cover a broad range of topics to be chosen from is crucial. The choice done by the FENS program committee is highly competitive, so please do not be disappointed if your proposal is not accepted.

    You actually have a second choice thereafter: Once plenary lectures and symposia have been selected by the program committee, the community will be invited to submit satellite and special events. Details on these activities will be published in due time.

    Sincerely yours

    Sigismund Huck,

    Chair of the FENS Forum 2024 Host Society

  • 8 Mar 2023 4:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Congratulation to Gloria Colombo, winner of the ANA Best Thesis Award 2023! 

    Her work focused on microglia and the development of a new algorithm for morphological cell characterization. Her innovative system, called MorphOMICs, combines the topological morphology descriptor, bootstrapping, dimensionality reduction, and data visualization techniques. 

    What does it mean? Morphological heterogeneity underlies a diversity among microglia cells that is still poorly resolved: thanks to her new strategy of analysis, Gloria discovered and mapped region-specific morphologies of microglia cells in the brain. She found that in the healthy brain, different morphologies are not visible shortly after birth, but they develop only during adulthood.

    When she applied the power of her new analysis tool MorphOMICs to pathological models, Gloria’s could identify sexual dimorphisms in microglia in the course of Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, she discovered permanent drug-induced effects (ketamine) on microglia morphology.

    To stay updated on Gloria work, follow her on Twitter:  and check out the details of her findings here:

    For news on microglia-neuron interaction, follow the excellent works of the Sandra Siegert Group, ISTA Vienna:

  • 24 Feb 2023 12:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Call for symposia and technical workshops is now open!

    Scientists from around the world are welcome to submit proposals highlighting discovery research on every aspect of the brain and central nervous system. To submit your proposal Just click on the link! 

    The FENS Forum is the perfect platform to both develop and exchange ideas with peers, and the call for symposia is the first step to achieving this. The Programme Committee invites the scientific community to present innovative and dynamic concepts within a particular topic or field that will challenge and push forward the field of brain research.  

    Liset Menendez de la Prida; FENS Forum 2024 Programme Committee Chair

    See you soon in Vienna at FENS 2024!

  • 21 Feb 2023 8:13 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Image result for brain awareness week 2023

    The Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign organized by the Dana Foundation & supported by many partner communities and associations!

    The Austrian Neuroscience Association is keen to dedicate its support to DANA, communicating brain science. Many Austrian institutions host exciting events in which neuroscientists share their knowledge about the wonders of the brain, and tell us more about the impact brain science has on our everyday lives.

    This year, you can enjoy the Brain Awareness Week in…

    ·         Vienna (info and registration link and event calendar)

    ·         Salzburg (event map and contacts)

    ·         Innsbruck (info, calendar and registration:

  • 17 Feb 2023 3:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The ANA meeting 2023. What an extraordinary event organized by the Austrian Neuroscience Association and by the Hungarian Neuroscience Society (MITT)! 

    ANA/MITT Budapest 2023 gathered hundreds of enthusiastic neuroscientists for three days of intensive interaction at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 

    The Hungarian Academy of Science in Budapest is a majestic building located in the heart of Budapest. We chose to host this meeting in such extraordinary settings as an opportunity to celebrate the history of international friendship and collaboration between ANA and MITT and to offer our guest the most stunning experience in one of the most vibrant European capitals. Follow this link for some sightseeing ideas!

    Our young neuroscientists enjoy the meeting for free: ANA offers 10 travel grants for junior neuroscientists to cover most of your registration costs and travel expenses and allow more students and early-career researchers to easily join this meeting. Did you miss out this once? Check out more details, application guidelines, and eligibility criteria and enjoy your first international Neuroscience Meeting for free!

    Highlights & Awards: ANA-MITT Budapest 2023 was the stage for the bestowment of prestigious awards.

    The Pioneer in Austrian Neuroscience Award, was attributed to Prof. Dr. Alois Saria in recognition of his lifelong dedication and outstanding contributions to Neuroscience.

    Moreover: the Otto Loewi Award was attributed to Dr. Noelia Urban, recognizing the excellence of her ground breaking work in neuroscience. Congratulation Noelia, we root for you :-)

    Are you curious about our Awards, Grants and Prizes? follow the link for more details and do not forget to follow us on social media.

    It was good to see you in Budapest... Bis Bald in Vienna ;-)

  • 16 Sep 2022 8:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EBRAINS Training on Brain Atlases and Simulation Services

    An exciting hands-on workshop in computational Neuroscience and a glimpse of the future

    The EBRAINS Training on Brain Atlases and Simulation Services has taken place on 13 Sept 2022, at the Institute of Science & Technology Austria in Klosterneuburg. This special event was tailored to the Austrian Neuroscience Association members´ needs and was free and open to all ANA members. 

    We thank all the participants and hope you enjoyed learning how to use the vast Brain Atlasing and Simulation Services available on the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure, developed by the Human Brain Project. We thank the expert speakers from the EBRAIN project who delved into practical usage of different tools in five amazing hands-on sessions.

    Curious? check out the program. Are you not part of ANA yet? Join us to enjoy the future exclusive opportunities for all ANA members!

  • 23 Aug 2022 6:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    “Are we equipped to work interdisciplinarily? – On the lack of philosophical education of neuroscientists!” was organized by Isabella Sarto-Jackson (Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Klosterneuburg, Austria) and Markus Kunze (Center for Brain Research of the Medical University of Vienna, Austria) together with the Italian neuroscientist Igor Branchi (Sapienza University, Rome, Italy).

    (photo kindly provided by Igor Branchi)

    (photo kindly provided by Igor Branchi)

    The speakers drew on their longstanding expertise in multi- and interdisciplinary research and presented examples of interdisciplinarity in practice:

    Read More.......

    A report by Markus Kunze & Isabella Sarto-Jackson

  • 23 Aug 2022 6:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are happy to announce that the award for the Best PhD Thesis of the year 2021, endowed with a prize money of € 500, is going to Dr. Martin ZURL (University of Vienna) for his thesis "Clock entrainment by sun- and moonlight in Platynereis dumerilii." Martin completed his PhD in the lab of Florian Raible in close collaboration with the lab of Kristin Tessmar-Raible at the Max Perutz Labs in Vienna.

    We cordially congratulate the awardee. Please find more information about the thesis here.

    Call for Symposia for the Joint ANA/HNS Meeting 2023

    Dear ANA members!

    We hope that COVID will not prevent us from holding another in-person meeting next year and discuss science in our biennial conference. 

    Next year's conference will be a special one; the leaderships of the Austrian Neuroscience Association (ANA) and the Hungarian Neuroscience Society (HNS) decided to hold a joint meeting in Budapest between 01.02.2023 and 03.02.2023.

    We hereby invite all of you to think about and propose a symposium for the next year's conference. The length of the symposia will be 1 hour 45 minutes, with 4-5 speakers each giving a presentation of about 20 minutes.

    We kindly ask anyone who has a symposium proposal (maximum of one page with the title, names of the presenters and a short description of the topic) to send it to and by 20 MARCH 2022.

    We wish everyone good health and many discoveries.

    Yours sincerely,

    Isabella Sarto-Jackson and Zoltán Nusser

    Chairmen of the 2023 Conference Organising Committee
  • 1 Jun 2022 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ANA and EBBS welcome you to the special networking events at FENS 2022 “Are we equipped to work interdisciplinarily? On the lack of philosophical education for neuroscientists”

    We are happy to announce that registered participants will have the chance to win many prizes, including 1 X 300 Euro travel grant for ANA meeting 2023 in Budapest*, 3 x Springer book-voucher á 180 Euro (generously supported by SpringerLink), 3 x ANA student membership** and 6 exclusive t-shirts “Part of a bigger Picture”.

    How to participate to the networking event

    For information and registration, follow the link

    How to participate to the prize selection

    To partake into the prize selection, show your individual registration code upon attendance.

    Check-in with at the venue, right before or after the networking event. Winners will be selected randomly and contacted individually after the FENS.

    NOTE: To partake into the networking event you must be a registered participant of FENS 2022


    Eligibility requirements

    *The prize "travel grant for ANA meeting 2023 in Budapest" is reserved for ANA student members: to apply for student membership follow the link: The prize will be delivered after the attendance to ANA meeting Budapest 2023. Detailed instructions will be made available to the winners.

    ** To benefit of an ANA student membership you must be a young neuroscientist, part of an official master or PhD program (proof will be requested), detailed instruction are available upon registration

    More info: 

  • 13 Sep 2021 12:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

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